Run Together 2024

The Netrunner World Championship is an event open to anyone in the community, regardless of how much experience they have with the game, casually or competitively. That said, it can still cost a lot to travel, sort accommodation, and purchase your tickets.

Run Together is a yearly fundraiser to help get as many people to the Netrunner World Championship as possible. We do this by helping people pay for flights and accommodations, as well as tickets to the event. We accept applications from all around the globe, and want to help you attend the most fun weekend in Netrunner!

We raise money by working with Netrunner community alt artists to create a custom pack of cards every year for you to purchase, with all funds going to the fundraiser!

This year’s Worlds is in San Francisco, California.

The Run Together 2024 Alt Art Packs

We have worked with some seriously talented people in the community to bring you the first pack of alt arts, comprising a full playset of 20 different Standard-legal cards, which you can see below!

Note that this year, the format of Run Together is changing, from releasing just one pack a year to at least two! As long as members of the community keep providing their alt arts for the project, we’ll keep releasing packs for the fundraiser!

How can I help?

NSG Store pre-order 

How can I get assistance?

To apply for financial assistance to attend Netrunner Worlds 2024, please fill out this form. We cannot promise we will be able to help everyone, but we will be working to ensure that funding is offered in an equitable fashion. A small committee will look at both the level of need as well as ensuring people from all walks of life and communities get a chance to participate in one of the cornerstone events of the year.